First Coding Language Python Vs Javascript

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This is a question I’ve spoken to a large number of individuals and researched extensively on the Internet. What counts most when learning a language is ultimately what you want to accomplish with it. aka your aims
I have a few final objectives. Yes, I would want to be more employable in tech startup environments. I’d also want to be able to create a website from scratch without relying on WordPress templates or a more tech-savvy friend’s assistance.
But I want to master programming foundations much more. I want to grasp precisely what is happening. Then, after I have mastered one language, I will go on to others.

Examining the Research

First and foremost, I confessed in multiple Quora conversations. These ideas of final objectives persisted. But Python also appeared often. Python is often addressed in this conversation, as is evident. Why? Given that it is a “clean language.” It is quite similar to the English language and hence simple to grasp.

Python is the Way

I suggest beginning with Python. Why? For similar reasons. It is simple to read. It’s digestible. It’s an excellent starting place.

I also discovered several blogs that suggested beginning with Python. According to the article,

You must first have an understanding of what programming is. This will be accomplished while studying your first language, Python. There are other languages you might begin with, but this is the best:

  • is accessible on all platforms

It has a wonderful community eager to assist newcomers

  • suitable for both small and big projects

It is widely documented

  • is free!

JavaScript is simple to master.

It is impossible to quantify the difficulty of learning a programming language since various things are problematic for different individuals. The complexity of the language, the availability of high-quality learning materials, and the difficulty of setting up the development environment may be used to measure ease of learning.

JavaScript is straightforward

JavaScript is a high-level programming language. This implies that you do not need to be concerned with numerous sophisticated issues, such as memory management. The objective of high-level coding is to make you an effective coder quickly while removing some of the capability of low-level programming languages. This makes it an ideal programming language for beginners, since you can concentrate on grammar and easier-to-grasp principles without worrying too much about performance.

In addition, JavaScript syntax is quite rational and straightforward. It has some similarities to the English language, so if you can read this text, you’ll be able to begin programming in JavaScript within a few months.

There are several resources.

There are JavaScript resources everywhere. With a single Google search, you may access hundreds of free and paid courses. Many of them are of excellent quality, so all you need to do is choose the educational methods that fit you best and you can begin your adventure.

Curriculum is not everything. Eventually, you will have to begin programming alone. It indicates that you may encounter challenges you cannot solve. The popularity of JavaScript has resulted in a large community, therefore thousands of individuals are willing to assist you. Using sites like Stack Overflow or GitHub problems, you can obtain a solution to almost any topic within a minute.

Begin coding anytime.

Many programming languages need the installation of a specific code editor or the installation of a development environment. JavaScript is not affected by this. JavaScript is native to the browser you’re using, so your development environment is already set up. And you may use almost any text editor of your choosing.

JavaScript is flexible

Historically, JavaScript was the language that powered the web. Over 97% of websites continue to utilize JavaScript. Learning JavaScript is essential if you want to enter front-end development. It doesn’t matter whether you work for Google or a tiny business; the language is ubiquitous on the web, and knowing it is a significant benefit.

However, this is just part of the picture. Today JavaScript is used practically everywhere, not only on the internet. Want to develop a mobile application? It can be accomplished using JavaScript. Desktop app? JavaScript can handle it with ease. Perhaps you dislike developing interfaces but like developing backend logic. Perfect, that can be accomplished using JavaScript. You may even utilize it for machine learning if you so want.

In all honesty, JavaScript is ubiquitous. In the last decade, HTML has evolved from a basic language used to make webpages somewhat dynamic to a potent tool that enables you to create anything. Not taking advantage of this chance may be a grave error.

There is also a second component to the adaptability of JavaScript. There are several programming paradigms, which you may not be aware of or even care about. Every programming issue may be handled in various ways, and different programming languages offer these multiple solutions. JavaScript allows declarative coding, but it is also possible to create code in an object-oriented or functional approach. The adaptability of the language enables you to use it in any manner you want and to rapidly acquire proficiency in other languages.

Why Did I Ultimately Select Python?

Python’s adoption as the language of teaching in Udacity and MIT’s respective introductory computer science courses were the two most persuasive elements in my decision to pursue it.

If both Udacity and MIT use Python to teach students, it must be an excellent language to learn, right?

In addition, I have discovered a “Programming for Everybody” course on Coursera that employs Python as the teaching language.

Consequently, considering all of these reasons, start studying Python.

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