How private and secure is DuckDuckGo?

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If you’re concerned about your online anonymity, you should use DuckDuckGo. It doesn’t save your search history or keep track of what you do online. Because of this, it lets you browse the web more secretly than Google, which is known for its invasive privacy practises.

If you don’t want Google to collect information about you, you can just use DuckDuckGo alternatively. Here are a few good reasons to use DuckDuckGo:

  • It doesn’t save what you’ve searched for.
  • It stops other people from tracking you.
  • It doesn’t keep track of users or show them ads that are relevant to them like Google does.
  • It takes you to the HTTPS version of every site you visit.
  • It doesn’t change the search results based on what you’ve done before.
  • If you want to keep your online privacy safe, we suggest you use DuckDuckGo. But it’s not enough by itself. You should also use a VPN to protect yourself.

Surfshark is a good choice if you want a VPN that is safe, reliable, and affordable.

Read the rest of the article below to find out more about DuckDuckGo and why it might be a better choice than Google.

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that cares about your privacy and gives you a bit of confidentially in the highly monitored online world. It doesn’t keep track of what you do online, store your information, or give it to third parties. But a lot of people who use the internet every day still don’t know about it.

Most people think of Google when they hear the word “search engine.” Online search has become almost synonymous with the tech giant. But it has a bad reputation for putting people’s privacy at risk. If you’re worried about how much information Google knows about you, you might want to try DuckDuckGo.

In this report, we compare DuckDuckGo to Google and talk about how safe, fast, and full of features DuckDuckGo is.

How does DuckDuckGo work?

DuckDuckGo is a search engine for the internet that puts your online privacy first. Gabriel Weinberg started it in 2008, and its main office is in Pennsylvania, which is in the United States. This private search engine got its name from the popular kids’ game “Duck, duck, goose.”

DuckDuckGo has a website and add-ons for Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Opera browsers. The DuckDuckGo app is also available for iOS and Android devices.

In April 2022, DuckDuckGo put out a beta version of a browser app for the macOS platform. The Apple WebKit rendering engine is used to make the DuckDuckGo app. This is the same engine that runs Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, and other browsers.

Why should I pick DuckDuckGo?

The main difference between Google and DuckDuckGo is that DuckDuckGo doesn’t track, store, or share your information. DuckDuckGo works with big online businesses like Bing, Wikipedia, and Yahoo, but it doesn’t share your personal information with other companies. Users are shielded by DuckDuckGo’s policy from the kind of intrusive tracking and data collection that is standard practise for most websites and online businesses.

Why does this matter? Because your privacy online is important. Google, Facebook, Twitter, and almost every other website you visit keep track of what you do online and make a detailed profile of you. This profile has information about your location, your device, your job, your interests, your family, your browsing history, and more.

The information is used to send you ads about goods and services you might be interested in. This is why ads for things you look up on Google sometimes show up on other websites and apps you use.

Companies aren’t always clear about what information they collect about you, how they use it, or who they give it to. Thanks to DuckDuckGo, you can get away from this annoying tracking and advertising.

What does DuckDuckGo do to make money?

Most of DuckDuckGo’s money comes from advertising and partnerships with other companies. The way the company advertises is based on keywords. So, DuckDuckGo will show you ads, but they won’t be tailored to you. The ads you see are based on what you searched for, not on what you’ve been looking at or anything else about you.

As part of its affiliate partnerships, DuckDuckGo gets a cut when you click on one of its search results and go to a site like Amazon or eBay. DuckDuckGo says that its participation in affiliate programmes doesn’t change the order of its search results, and it doesn’t share any information that could be used to find out who someone is with its affiliate partners.

Check out the section below to learn more about the differences between DuckDuckGo and Google and to get an idea of what it’s like to use and what features it has.

Privacy and Features of DuckDuckGo vs. Google

DuckDuckGo is a great alternative to Google if you want search results that are similar to Google’s but don’t track you aggressively online.

The search engine’s easy-to-use interface makes it easy to find any information you’re looking for. DuckDuckGo also gives you “Zero-click Info.” With this feature, you can find any information you want without having to click on any links. The Zero-click Info feature on DuckDuckGo gives you summaries, definitions, official websites, images, and other content that matches what you’re looking for.

Global Privacy Control is part of both the DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser mobile app and the Privacy Essentials add-on (GPC). GPC is a setting on your browser or device that tells websites you visit what kind of privacy you want. To put it simply, it exercises your right to opt out under future legal frameworks such as the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union, making it clear to websites that you do not want your data sold or shared with third parties (GDPR).

Because DuckDuckGo doesn’t keep track of what you do online, the search results for any query are the same for everyone. This means that the search results you see are based on your current search, not your profile. Websites like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and others collect information about you so they can show you ads and search results that are related to what you’ve been looking at and doing online.

The main reason why so many people use DuckDuckGo is because it doesn’t keep any information about its users. DuckDuckGo’s privacy features protect your personal information in a number of ways while also giving you good search results. Here are a few of the most important things about this search engine.

Check out the privacy page on DuckDuckGo to learn more.

No search history is saved.

DuckDuckGo doesn’t keep track of your search history like other search engines do. This means that no one can see what you’ve searched for in the past from its servers.

But even if you use Global Privacy Control, your browser might still keep track of the pages you visit. So, your search history might not be stored on DuckDuckGo’s servers, but it can be found in your browser’s history. The settings for your browser make it easy to change this.

If you don’t use a virtual private network (VPN) to hide your location and activity online, your Internet service provider (ISP) will be able to see everything you do on the web. With end-to-end encryption from a VPN like Surfshark, you can browse the web anonymously without giving up your privacy, no matter what websites or online platforms you visit.

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There are no outside trackers.

Your privacy is protected by DuckDuckGo because it blocks advertising trackers. Because of these trackers, you may see ads for the most recent things you looked up on Google or Bing. Trackers basically use the history of the websites you visit to learn about you.

And yes, trackers are still working when you use Chrome or any other browser’s “Incognito” mode to go to Google.

There may be trackers on a website that you don’t know about. Trackers collect information about you so that advertisers can try to get you to buy something or sign up for a service.

In May 2022, security researcher Zach Edwards did an audit of DuckDuckGo’s mobile browsers and found that the browser didn’t stop trackers from sending data to LinkedIn and Bing. While he was looking around on the website of Workplace, Meta’s online collaboration platform, the trackers stayed on.

In response to the news, Gabriel Weinberg, the CEO of DuckDuckGo, said that the company can’t block Microsoft trackers because of a deal it has with Microsoft. But he stressed that Microsoft Advertising, which is in charge of the ads that people see on DuckDuckGo, does not show ads based on what trackers find out.

“Microsoft Advertising doesn’t link the ads you click on to your user profile,” Weinberg said in a tweet.

One of the best ways to stay away from third-party trackers is to use DuckDuckGo with a reliable VPN. It’s also a good idea to use the DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials extension to keep blocking trackers while you look at different websites.

No profiling

Most search engines make a profile of you based on how you use the Internet, what you search for, your age, your gender, your IP address, and the cookies on your browser. This means that the sites you visit and the searches you do on their search engines can be linked to you.

This is not how DuckDuckGo makes profiles. This gives you a level of privacy that most other search engines don’t offer.

Encrypted data on searches

DuckDuckGo has better encryption than its competitors. It will make sure that sites always use a secure connection when one is available. So, whenever you click on a link, DuckDuckGo takes you to the HTTPS version of the website. This gives you a little more protection while you’re online.

Less spam, better safety

DuckDuckGo tries to get rid of a lot of the ads and spam that clog up Google’s search results. It only shows sources that have titles and meta descriptions that were written by people, not computers. Most of the time, official sites are at the top of search results and are marked so you can find them faster.

DuckDuckGo collaborates with the Parked Domain Project to filter spam from its search results as part of its anti-spam efforts. A lot of these spam websites show up in Google’s search results, but you won’t find them on DuckDuckGo. Google uses algorithms to fight spam, but DuckDuckGo gets rid of spam websites from its search results by using people.

The real results

If you frequently use a search engine, you may notice that certain results keep popping up. This is because the algorithm gives you the information it thinks you want to see instead of what everyone else gets when they do the same search. This technique could mean that you don’t get to see some online information.

DuckDuckGo doesn’t keep any information that could change the results of your search in this way. In other words, if you search for the same term as everyone else, you’ll get the same results.

DuckDuckGo works just as well as Google in terms of how it works, and it has some cool features that make it easier to look for things online.

For example, it has a shortcut called “!bangs” that lets you search quickly on more than 13,000 websites, such as Amazon, Twitter, and Wikipedia. Let’s say you want to look for “cameras” on In that case, you could just type “!a cameras” into DuckDuckGo, and it would take you to the right page of search results. You can also make your own!bangs for websites you often search.

Search Safely
You can turn on Safe Search on DuckDuckGo to get rid of results with adult content. There are two levels of Safe Search on this search engine: Strict and Moderate. Safe Search can be changed in a few different ways:

Use the dropdown menu next to the search box on any page of search results.
Use the “Safe Search” setting on the settings page for DuckDuckGo.
Start your search term with “!safeoff.”
Look at When you search from there, Safe Search is always set to “Strict.”
The bad things about using DuckDuckGo
DuckDuckGo has some pretty good ways to protect your privacy. But it doesn’t have as many options as Google. Here are a few problems with DuckDuckGo compared to Google:

The local search results include information from Apple Maps and Yelp user reviews. Because of this, it doesn’t have nearly as much information as Google, especially if you want to find reviews or information about a local business. Simply put, the number of Yelp reviews is much lower than the number of Google reviews, so it’s hard to rely on the information provided by DuckDuckGo when making a choice based on reviews.
Google has more crawl money than DuckDuckGo. This means that your search results are likely to have less information than those on Google. When you use DuckDuckGo, you miss out on Google’s “People Also Ask” and “Related Searches” sections, which are some of the more advanced features. Google Maps also doesn’t have the feature that lets you track things in real time.
Users might also miss how Google’s online tracking makes things more personal. Google’s ability to guess what you’re looking for makes things faster and easier, no doubt about it.

It’s hard to find a good balance between privacy and ease of use. One way to deal with this is to use two search engines together, depending on what you need at the time.

DuckDuckGo Alternatives

Even though DuckDuckGo is more private than Google, it might not be the best search engine for everyone. Just like there are other search engines besides Google, like Bing and Yahoo, there are also other search engines that focus on privacy. Here is a list of the best search engines you can use instead of DuckDuckGo:

Swisscows Search engine

If you want to browse the web without being tracked, Swisscows is a great alternative. Hulbee AG, a Swiss company, made this search engine, which isn’t as popular as others.

The engine doesn’t keep track of IP addresses or other private information. Data traffic is tracked in some way by Swisscows, and this includes things like the number of daily searches.

You can search for websites, pictures, videos, and music on Swisscows. It also has a translation feature, but it’s not as good as Google Translate or other online translators.

Startpage search engine

Startpage says it is the most private search engine in the world. It protects the privacy of its users by not keeping any personal information about them and not sharing user information with third parties.

Startpage is a Dutch company that has been making search engines since 1998. There’s a proxy function that can hide your IP address and other sensitive data.

Startpage’s biggest selling point is that it uses Google Search results alongside its own. So, Startpage gives you both the safety of a private search and the familiarity of Google results.

Qwant Search Engine

Qwant, a search engine based in France, does not record user activity or save personal details for marketing purposes.

The above search engine has a feature that works like!bangs on DuckDuckGo. This feature, which is called “Qwick Search,” gives you shortcuts that you can use to find specific pages on websites.

Qwant also has a number of other useful filtering options that can help you find the right results quickly.

Make your privacy stronger.
DuckDuckGo is the only search engine that truly protects your privacy, letting you conduct searches without revealing your identity or location.

We recommend that you make DuckDuckGo your main search engine, but that isn’t enough. You also need to use privacy-protecting browsers and a VPN to hide your IP address and encrypt your data. A VPN keeps your personal information and privacy safe, giving you protection that no search engine can reach.

Even if you use Google instead of DuckDuckGo, a VPN can still make your web browsing more private. We highly recommend NordVPN if you want to try one of the most trusted VPN services. Some free VPNs are reliable, but they don’t have as many features and functions as a paid service.

DuckDuckGo and Privacy: Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the FAQ section below if you have more questions about DuckDuckGo. To see the answer to a question, just click on it.

Can DuckDuckGo be used on my phone?

You can use the DuckDuckGo browser on both Apple and Android phones. Just look for DuckDuckGo in the App Store or Play Store to get the app.

After you install it, you can use the browser to search and visit websites on your phone. You can see which third-party trackers the browser has blocked in the browser window.

Is there a DuckDuckGo desktop browser that works on its own?

DuckDuckGo’s browser for macOS is in beta at the moment. In the future, the company may put out browsers for other operating systems.

Until then, you can set your browser so that DuckDuckGo is both the home page and the search bar.

How do I know which browser to use with DuckDuckGo?

You can use any browser to get to DuckDuckGo, but we recommend the Tor browser, Firefox, or Brave if you care about privacy. You can also use the beta version of DuckDuckGo’s browser for macOS.

If you want to keep your personal information private, you should not use Edge, Chrome, Opera, or Safari. As you use these browsers, they keep track of your search history and gather personal information about you.

How do I make DuckDuckGo my browser’s default search engine?

In your browser’s settings, you can make DuckDuckGo your default search engine. You can also change your browser’s search bar so that DuckDuckGo is your default search engine. This means that whenever you type a search into your browser’s search bar, DuckDuckGo will be used instead of Google or Bing.

Can I look at my past searches on DuckDuckGo?

Even though DuckDuckGo doesn’t keep track of your searches, it also doesn’t hide them. You can still use your browser to look at your search history. There are other search engines, like Search Encrypt, that can hide your search history.

What do I do with!bangs?

It’s easy to use!bangs to look for pages on certain websites. Go to the DuckDuckGo search engine and type an exclamation point followed by a shortcode for the website you want to search. For example, to go to Wikipedia, you would type “!w.” Then put your search term here.

The following are some other popular!bangs shortcodes:

!yt means “YouTube.”

gmail (Gmail) !

gm (Google Maps) !

a (Amazon) !

reddit (Reddit) (Reddit)
You can send in one of your own!
sends DuckDuckGo shortcodes for sites that might not be on the list.

Can I stop the ads from showing up on DuckDuckGo?

You can turn off ads in your general settings on DuckDuckGo if you don’t want them to show up in your search results. This means that when you do a search, you won’t see any ads at the top of the page like you would on Google and other search engines. Instead, you’ll only see organic results.

What does DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials do?

Privacy Essentials is an add-on from DuckDuckGo that keeps your information safe while you’re online. It achieves this goal by obstructing stealthy trackers and drawing attention to breaches in user privacy. When possible, Privacy Essentials also takes you to websites that are encrypted.

Another thing about this extension is that it gives a website’s terms of service and privacy policies a score and a label. Because DuckDuckGo works with Terms of Service, this feature is possible. Didn’t Read.

What makes DuckDuckGo better than Google?

Google collects a lot of information about you and what you do online so it can show you ads that are more relevant to you. DuckDuckGo protects you from these kinds of privacy invasions and doesn’t keep track of your search history or other things you do online.

Use DuckDuckGo instead of Google if you want to browse the web without being tracked.

Can someone follow you on DuckDuckGo?

DuckDuckGo doesn’t have any trackers that keep track of what you do online. But when you click on individual sites from DuckDuckGo’s search results, the sites you visit can track you. Use a VPN like Surfshark to avoid this.

Does Google own DuckDuckGo?

No, Google, Microsoft, or any other big tech company does not own DuckDuckGo. It was started by Gabriel Weinberg, and it is a free search engine that cares most about its users’ privacy.

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